Enkel/Voet  »  Ottawa Ankle Rules  »  Specificiteit


De specificiteit is slecht gebleken uit de gevonden artikelen, Pires et al. (2003) liet een specificiteit zien van 0.08 en was de laagste  score. De hoogste score liet Beceren et al. (2003) zien namelijk 0.68 (matig). Het gemiddelde  gevonden over al de 7 artikelen is 0.33, dit is slecht. Dit betekent dat de Ottawa ankle rules onbetrouwbaar is om een fractuur in te sluiten.

Titel + Auteurs + Jaartal Soort artikel Methodologische kwaliteit Specificiteit
Beceren, G. N., Yolcu, S., Tomruk, O., Atay, T., & Baykal, Y. B. (2013). Ottawa versus Bernese: which is better?. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 39(2), 147-150.Diagnostic accuracy studyQuadas 12/140.68
Bachmann, L. M., Kolb, E., Koller, M. T., Steurer, J., & Riet, G. T. (2003). Accuracy of Ottawa ankle rules to exclude fractures of the ankle and mid-foot: systematic review. Bmj, 326(7386), 417.Systematic reviewAmstar 11/110.32
Derksen, R. J., Bakker, F. C., Geervliet, P. C., de Langeā€“de Klerk, E. S., Heilbron, E. A., Veenings, B., & Haarman, H. J. T. M. (2005). Diagnostic accuracy and reproducibility in the interpretation of Ottawa ankle and foot rules by specialized emergency nurses. The American journal of emergency medicine, 23(6), 725-729.Diagnostic accuracy studyQuadas 14/140.26
Leisey, J. (2004). Prospective validation of the Ottawa Ankle Rules in a deployed military population. Military medicine, 169(10), 804-806.Diagnostic accuracy studyQuadas 9/140.40
Lucchesi, G. M., Jackson, R. E., Peacock, W. F., Cerasani, C., & Swor, R. A. (1995). Sensitivity of the Ottawa rules. Annals of emergency medicine, 26(1), 1-5.Diagnostic accuracy studyQuadas 8/140.13 (0.06-0.19)
Pires, R., Pereira, A. A., Abreu-e-Silva, G. M., Labronici, P. J., Figueiredo, L. B., Godoy-Santos, A. L., & Kfuri, M. (2014). Ottawa ankle rules and subjective surgeon perception to evaluate radiograph necessity following foot and ankle sprain. Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 4(3), 432Diagnostic accuracy studyQuadas 8/140.08
Wang, X., Chang, S. M., Yu, G. R., & Rao, Z. T. (2013). Clinical value of the Ottawa ankle rules for diagnosis of fractures in acute ankle injuries. PloS one, 8(4)Diagnostic accuracy studyQuadas 13/140.46

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