Conclusie | |||||
De gevonden sensitiviteitswaarden zijn over het algemeen gemiddeld tot goed behalve de studie van Troelsen ea. (2009) met een lage sensitiviteitswaarde. De studiekwaliteit is in het algemeen goed behalve het artikel van Clohisy ea. (2009) die een slechte kwaliteitsscore op de JADAD en QUADAS heeft. De van Clohisy geleverde waarden zijn dus geen sterk bewijs. |
Titel + Auteurs + Jaartal | Soort artikel | Methodologische kwaliteit | Sensitiviteit | ||
Maslowski, E., Sullivan, W., Forster-Harwood, J., Gonzalez, P., Kaufman, M., Vidal, A., & Akuthota, V. (2010). The diagnostic validity of hip provocation maneuvers to detect intra-articular hip pathology. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2(3), 174-181. | Diagnostic accuracy study | QUADAS-1 10/14
JADAD 2 | 0,82 | ||
Wang, W., Yue, D., Zhang, N., Hong, W., & Li, Z. (2011). Clinical diagnosis and arthroscopic treatment of acetabular labral tears. Orthopaedic Surgery, 3 | Diagnostic accuracy study | QUADAS-1 11/14
JADAD 2 | 0,71 | ||
Clohisy, J., Knaus, E., Hunt, D., Lesher, J., Harris-Hayes, M., & Prather, H. (2009). Clinical presentation of patients with symptomatic anterior hip impingement. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 467(3), 638-444. | Diagnostic accuracy study | QUADAS-1 6/14
JADAD 1 | 0,69 | ||
Martin, R., Irrgang, J., & Sekiya, J. (2008). The diagnostic accuracy of a clinical examination in determining intra-articular hip pain for potential hip arthroscopy candidates. Arthoscopy, 24(9) | Diagnostic accuracy study | QUADAS-1 8/14
JADAD 2 | 0,6 | ||
Mitchell, B., McCrory, P., Brukner, P., O'Donnel, J., Colson, E., & Howells, R. (2003). Hip joint pathology: Clinical presentation and correlation between magnetic resonance arthrography, ultrasound and arthroscopic findings in 25 consecutive cases. Journal of Sports Medicine, 13(3) | Diagnostic accuracy study | QUADAS-1 9/14
JADAD 3 | 0,88 | ||
Troelsen, A., Mechlenburg, I., Gelineck, J., Bolvig, J., Jacobsen, S., & Soballe, K. (2009). What is the role of clinical tests and ultrasound in acetabular labral tear diagnostics? Acta Orthopaedie, 80(3), 314-380 | Diagnostic accuracy study | QUADAS-1 11/14
JADAD 3 | 0,41 | ||
Philippon, M., Briggs, K., Yen, Y., & Kuppersmith, D. (2009). Outcomes following hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement with associated chondrolabral dysfunction: Minimum two-year follow-up. J Bone Joint Surg Br, 91(1), 16-23 | Diagnostic accuracy study | QUADAS-1 11/14
JADAD 1 | 0,97 |