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Titel + Auteurs + Jaartal Soort artikel Methodologische kwaliteit Specificiteit
Tzannes, A., Murrell, G.A. (2002). Clinical examination of the unstable shoulder. Sports medicine, 32, 447-457.Systematic reviewAMSTAR 1/110.89
Gross, M.L., Distefano, M.C. (1997). Anterior release test. A new test for occult shoulder instability. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 6, 105-108.Diagnostic accuracy studyQUADAS: 12/14Pain 0.89
Lo, I.K., Nonweiler, B., Woolfrey, M., Litchfield, R., Kirkley, A. (2004). An evaluation of the apprehension, relocation, and surprise tests for anterior shoulder instability. American journal of sports medicine, 32, 301-307.Diagnostic accuracy studyQUADAS: 11/14Pain or Apprehension: 0.99

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