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Titel + Auteurs + Jaartal Soort artikel Methodologische kwaliteit Interbeoordelaars betrouwbaarheid
Tzannes, A., Murrell, G.A. (2002). Clinical examination of the unstable shoulder. Sports medicine, 32, 447-457.Systematic reviewAMSTAR 1/11In 90 abductie
Anterior: 0.72
Posterior: 0.42
Inferior: 0.65
Tzannes, A., Paxinos, A., Callanan, M., Murrell, G.A. (2004). An assessment of the interexaminer reliability of tests for shoulder instability. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery, 13, 18-23.Diagnostic accuracy studyNBAnterior, 0 graden abd.: 0.53
Anterior, 20 graden abd.: 0.60

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